The gross, weird, and creepy creatures on and off this website are just as important as the ones we humans find more appealing. Life on Earth is a complex and intricate dance where the loss of one dancer reverberates around the whole floor. Humans have evolved an unprecedented ability to shape the world around us. Unfortunately, the people in power have used this ability for their short-term profit, rather than the long-term benefit of humans and other life on Earth, leading us to our current situation of global warming which threatens to cause climate catastrophe. Countering the trend of disrespect for the Earth and changing the course of our planet's future is urgently necessary for our survival. Each individual and collective action wins a bit of ground in the fight against climate catastrophe.

To follow this website's spirit of learning and appreciation for all creatures, I recommend picking up a field guide to animals, plants, or fungi in your area. The free app iNaturalist can help you identify living things you see and contribute to scientific research with your observations. The actions of one person can only go so far, but together we can do much more. This is why I also recommend spending some time volunteering with conservation organizations or groups taking political action against climate change and ecological destruction in your area.

There are many ways to connect with nature and practice our responsibilities to the planet that gives us life- these are just a few ideas. Please do what suits you, and remember that every creature deserves life, no matter how ugly.