project 4: internet of things

Ale Davila

arduino: exercises

arduino: chessboard project

My initial idea was to create a chessboard which could record each move the players make. My short term goal was to create a proof of concept, an arduino circuit which could detect when a piece was on each square. I decided to use light sensors which would sit in a hole in each square, and would be covered up when a piece was placed there. In this version of the circuit, I also wanted the arduino to emit a unique tone or melody when a piece was placed on a certain square. This would give real-time feedback that the move was detected and would be more fun for me to make than a circuit that just printed text to the computer.

Unfortunately my chessboard was not actually sized properly to fit over the arduino board, so I can't demonstrate it that way. If I was to continue this project I would have to work out some way to have the piezo beep only once when the sensor triggered it.